問1.ジャクソン(Jackson)とスミス(Smith)が昼間に川内北キャンパスで会話をしており、ジャクソンはある人物を指した。以下はその時の会話文である。ジャクソンが指し示す人物の俗称を答えよ。解答は日本語でかまわない。 Jackson: Look at that man! Smith: There are many people. I can’t recognize who is. Tell me his feature. Jackson: He wears a shirt with three-color checked pattern. Smith: I got it. Maybe, he wears a backpack, doesn’t he? Jackson: That’s right. He may be diligent. There must be many books in his bag. Smith: Sure. Jackson: By the way, I’m hungry. Let’s have lunch. 問2.学生のジョン(John)と太郎(Taro)が一枚の集合写真を見ている。以下はその時の会話文である。本文を読んで以下の問いに答えよ。 John: This man is Mr. Satomi. He is president of Tohoku University. But, in this year, he is going to retire his job as the president. Taro: So, who is selected as the next president? John: Mr. Ohno. His research field is spintronics, that is, he is a physicist. Incidentally, Mr. Satomi received his Doctor’s degree in medicine from Tohoku University. Taro: Oh, in other words, he had examined patients, hasn’t he? John:...